多谢微软的 IIana Smith 跟她的组的成员给我们大家提供了 CRM 和 Outlook 的映射。如有问题,请到论坛提问。最近忙得要命,等我时间空一点,我将会教大家一些简单的 Callout.
Field in Outlook | Field in CRM
Body = description
Due Date = scheduledend
Priority = priority
Start Date = scheduledstart
Status = computed from Activity State Code and Appointment Status Code
Subject subject
Unsynchronized Outlook fields include: Reminder, Contacts, Categories, Privacy Flag, Date Completed, Total Work, Companies, Mileage, Billing Information
All Day Event = isalldayevent
Body = description
Duration = scheduleddurationminutes
End = scheduledend
Location = location
Optional Attendees = optionalattendees
Organizer = organizer
Priority = priority
Required Attendees = requiredattendees
Show Time As = computed from Activity State Code and Appointment Status Code
Start = scheduledstart
Subject = subject
Unsynchronized Outlook fields include: Label, Reminder, Contacts, Categories, Privacy Flag, Importance Flag
Anniversary = anniversary
Assistant Name = assistantname
Assistant Telephone Number = assistantphone
Birthday = birthdate
Body = description
Business Fax Number = fax
Business Telephone Number = telephone1
Children = childrensnames
Department = department
Email1Address = emailaddress1
Email2Address = emailaddress2
Email3Address = emailaddresss3
First Name = firstname
FTP Site = ftpsiteurl
Government ID Number = governmentid
Home Telephone Number = telephone2
Job Title = jobtitle
Last Name = lastname
Mailing Address City = address1_city
Mailing Address Country = addresss1_country
Mailing Address Post Office Box = addresss1_postofficebox
Mailing Address Postal Code = address1_postalcode
Mailing Address State = addresss1_stateorprovince
Mailing Address Street = address1_line1; address1_line2; address1_line3
Manager Name = managername
Middle Name = middlename
Mobile Telephone Number = mobilephone
Nickname = nickname
Other Telephone Number = telephone3
Pager Number = pager
Spouse = spousesname
Suffix = suffix
Title = salutation
Web Page = websiteurl
Yomi First Name = yomifirstname
Yomi Last Name = yomilastname
Unsynchronized Outlook fields include: Photo, IM Address, Other phone numbers, Office, Profession, NetMeeting Settings, Free/Busy Server Settings